Does the variation have a view? Not sure if it works like that, but can imagine you can only select things that can actually be displayed.
My variation does not have a view. Thanks, Jeroen!
Now the issue to solve is how to search for variants when only product is selected for the best bet.
Or have a controller/view for the variant that displays the product with the variant selected ;)
Does anyone know why when creating a Best Bet and selecting Commerce content only categories and products can be selected? When I select a variation, the OK button is disabled.
We are searching for variations so Best Bets should be applied for those. When selecting a product, we do not get search results (as we are searching for variation).
Here is the code for the search:
And here is the screenshot of the best bets target selection when a variation is selected - notice "OK" button is disabled:
And according to documentation, it should be possible: