Proposal for js ajax pagination


I'm using episerver find with ajax functionality and pagination and I noticed that FindApi() is adding the onclick attribute for tracking but it is not exposing the function itself.

Thus when i'm using the pagination on ajax call i loose the tracking onclick script since it is triggered on window onload only and the function is defined on the addEvetListener as anonymous in bindWindowEvents.

It would be nice to extract the function like attachOnClickAttribute (sorry the code in find.js comes minified already):

this.bindWindowEvents = function() {
    var t = this;
    window.history && (window.onbeforeunload = function() {
        var e = document.location.href;
        e.indexOf("q=") > 0 && -1 == e.indexOf(t._dontTrackQueryParam + "=") && window.history.replaceState(window.history.state, window.document.title, e + (e.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "&" : "?") + t._dontTrackQueryParam + "=true")
    window.addEventListener("load", function() { t.attachOnClickAttribute() }, !1)

// Extract function
this.attachOnClickAttribute = function() {
    var t = this;
    var e = t._toArray(document.getElementsByTagName("A"))
      , r = document.createElement("A");
    r.href = document.location.href;
    for (var n = 0; e.length > n; n++) {
        var a = function() {
            for (var a = !1, i = e[n].href, o = t._getTrackQueryParamsFromUrl(i), s = 0; o.trackQueryParams.length > s; s++)
                if (0 == o.trackQueryParams[s].indexOf("id")) {
                    a = !0;
            if (o.trackQueryParams.length > 0 && a) {
                var c = document.createElement("A");
                c.href = i,
                ("/" != t._applicationUrl && r.hostname + t._applicationUrl != c.hostname + "/" + c.pathname.split("/")[1] + "/" || "/" === t._applicationUrl) && (e[n].href = t._serviceApiBaseUrl + "_click?" + t._trackParam + o.trackQueryParams.join("&" + t._trackParam) + "&" + t._trackParam + "redirect=" + encodeURIComponent(t._getUriWithoutTrackParams(i, o)),
                e[n].setAttribute("onclick", "window.location.href = '" + t._serviceApiBaseUrl + "_click?" + t._trackParam + o.trackQueryParams.join("&" + t._trackParam) + "&" + t._trackParam + "redirect=" + encodeURIComponent(t._getUriWithoutTrackParams(i, o)) + "'; return false;"))

And then expose the find api object:

if (FindApi) {
	var api = new FindApi();

	window.findApi = api; // expose the object 

In a way that on js after clicking on the pagination i could trigger something like this

// On ajax pagination 
if (window && window.findApi) {

Sep 10, 2019 8:49
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