Sometimes fallback-language settings cannot be saved, after upgrading Find to version 13.4.1



After updating Episerver.Find from version 13.3.0 to 13.4.1, we noticed that saving fallback language settings takes a very long time and often ends with an error. 

I used the Fiddler to check what was happening and noticed that after saving fallback languages, our site sends more than 800 requests to server.

We have 62 languages enabled on our site and test page translated to 13 languages. At least once after settings was saved site send exactly 806 POST requests which is 13 x 62. Looks like ContentIndexer sends as many POST requests as many languages are enabled for each language version of the page. 

The previous version worked without any problems, it took about 10-15 seconds to save and 13-26 requests to send to

The question is - Is it safe to roll back to version 13.3.0 by installing the necessary package and updating version info in tblFindDatabaseVersion

Best Regards


Apr 26, 2021 12:17
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