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Event indexing bug when page is published but then set to future publish


Solution has 13.4.7 and EPiServer.CMS.Core 11.20.11

An editor publishes a page and then realizes that was a mistake and therefore updates the page to a future startpublish and uses "schemalägg publicering"/scheduled publish.

UI is updated and shows the green box with the time of the upcoming startpublish setting.

In this scenario the Search & Navigation index has not been updated - when I browse the index overview and make sure I don't see cached data; the startpublish of the page in index is still the startpublish time from the "mistake" version.

Queries of course then can't filter correctly lists the "mistake page" shows in listings etc.

Anyone also seen this, might there already be a bug filed?

Sep 28, 2022 9:42
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