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False positives for searches without hits


Version 15.0.3 of EPiServer.Find

We have an issue with statistics that we don't know the cause of. We have a UnifiedSearch with .Track() enabled, and then we have a search as you type-implementation with MultiUnifiedSearch. The multisearch do not have .Track() enabled, and should not be affecting this, if I understand it correctly.

The problem is that we see "searches without hits" for searches where the first facet in the unified search does not have a hit, but the second has. For example, a search for "asphalt" returns a totalhits of 2, where the first facet "pages" has 0 hits, and the second facet "news" has 2 hits. This somehow registers as a search without hit. Is this correct behaviour? I would think that the total hits is what affects "searches without hits" and not the facets.

The other possible cause would be if the multi searches is tracked anyway, since the first search in the multi search has 0 hits in the above scenario.

Anyone have an idea? 

Apr 27, 2023 12:43
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