I'm working on Find 15.0.0, CMS 12.23.0
We have a search page on our website that uses unified search. For a particular page I want to map excerpt to a particular field of that page.
I tried with below code, but now its taking first line of another field (body)
SearchClient.Instance.Conventions.UnifiedSearchRegistry.ForInstanceOf<NewsPage>() .ProjectExcerptUsing<NewsPage>(page => x => x.Manchet.ToString()) .ProjectMetaDataFrom(page => new Dictionary<string, IndexValue> { { MetadataPropsNames.ImageUrl, page.Image.GetFriendlyUrl() }, });
I'm working on Find 15.0.0, CMS 12.23.0
We have a search page on our website that uses unified search. For a particular page I want to map excerpt to a particular field of that page.
I tried with below code, but now its taking first line of another field (body)