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Advanced Dijit Custom property with sortable list


I want to create a custom property that manages an array of strings using a drag and drop list.

I have found this tutorial for dnd

but i cannot get it to work in episerver.

Could anyone help me with a working example of a dnd custom property that works with a string array



Nov 27, 2012 13:54

The main problem i have is that if i add a sortable list  to the template (along side the original text area) like so :

        templateString: "<div class=\"dijitInline\">\
                            <div data-dojo-attach-point=\"stateNode, tooltipNode\">\
                                <div data-dojo-attach-point=\"textArea\" data-dojo-type=\"dijit.form.Textarea\" style=\"width: 800px; \"></div>\
                            <br />\
                           <ol data-dojo-type=\"dojo.dnd.Source\" id=\"wishlistNode\" class=\"container\">\
                               <li class=\"dojoDndItem\">Wrist watch</li>\
                               <li class=\"dojoDndItem\">Life jacket</li>\
                               <li class=\"dojoDndItem\">Toy bulldozer</li>\
                               <li class=\"dojoDndItem\" >Vintage microphone</li>\
                               <li class=\"dojoDndItem\">TIE fighter</li>\


then i cannot reference this node from either postCreate() or startup()

   postCreate: function () {
            // call base implementation
            var catalog = new Source("wishlistNode");


Nov 27, 2012 14:46

also if i try and access this.containerNode , i get a null

Nov 27, 2012 14:59

adding data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" gave me access to the containerNode :)

Nov 27, 2012 15:06
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