Url property renders internal url


I have a property on my page model :

			Name = "Link",
			Description = "",
			GroupName = TabNames.Content,
			Order = 30)]
		public virtual Url Link { get; set; }

This may be an external url, or it may link to a page. I want to render the href in the view, but for pages, i get the internal url out, and no url rewriting occurs on mvc to convert this to a rewritten url.


	<a href="@Model.Link.GetHref()"><img src="@Model.Image" alt="@Model.MainTitle" /></a>


how do i convert this to a nice url?

Nov 16, 2012 13:33

You can use 

@Url.PageUrl(Model.Link.GetHref()) extension method

Nov 16, 2012 13:43
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