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EPiServer 7 > Deployment of custom modules



I'm wondering if EPiServer 7 provides new approach of deploying custom modules to production environment. I know that it was EPiServer.PowerTools.msi for EPiServer 6 R2, which were integrated to Visual Studio 2008 and allowed by using WiX creation of installation packages.  

But Do EPiServer 7 provides with such tool? Can't find it in Downloads

Dec 14, 2012 16:03

Well, you still can create Wix installer for your module.

I suggest you to consider implementing and deploying your module as an add-on. Add-On Store is introduced in EPiServer 7 and this is the recommended and flexible way to develop, deploy, manage and distribute your modules.

Following articles should be good starting points:

EPiServer 7: Ready for a multi-screen world

Add-on developer guide in SDK

Developing simple add-on for EPiServer 7 Preview


Dec 14, 2012 16:41

Thanks for answer.

Am i correct that Custom Community modules (Creating a Custom EPiServer Community Module - Part One) are replaced by Add-Ons in EPiServer 7?

Edited, Dec 14, 2012 16:50

Add-on system is technology to manage and distribute your modules, it's not a replacement for custom Community modules.

It theory it should work like this: you develop your custom Community module and pack it as an add-on, then it can be installed using Add-on management UI on your site.

We would really like to know if you face any limitation or issues and your custom Community module cannot work or cannot be deployed as an add-on.

Edited, Dec 14, 2012 17:31


Thank you for quick answers. I managed to work with EPiServer Release+ 2.0, where we used WiX template to deploy our custom Community modules. I'm just starting investigation of new features of EPiServer 7. Deployment process is one of that parts which i should think before starting project.

I will try Add-Ons + NuGet to deploy custom modules.

Thank you one more time.

Dec 14, 2012 17:41
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