Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
This is a side effect of moving the default string backing type to PropertyLongString for the new typed models that affects the old editing system that is still used for dynamic content. I have written about the work around here:
public class LegacyLongString : PropertyLongString
public override IPropertyControl CreatePropertyControl()
return new PropertyLongStringControl();
This should do it for you per Linus's post
CreatePropertyControl() doesn't work in EpiServer7.5.
I had created one custom property in EpiServer6R2 to display horizontal ine in Edit mode (for sepration of header and footer properties) but this property doesn't work in 7.5. it doesn't call CreatePropertyControl() while debugging. Do you have any ideas why it is not calling?
Thanks in advance.
Komal. That does not work in 7.5, custom properties are completely rewritten.
Take a lock at Linus blog or Teds blog and you will find examples on how to do
The title says it all. The code:
When editting the Text property of the dynamic content an input of type text (thus one line) is shown. A textarea is expected.