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Multi-venue Site Setup


Hi guys,

I am brand new to EPiServer (we have version 7) and I'm after some advice about setting up a multi-venue site. By this I mean a single company that owns a set of venues at diffetent locations in the country (or the world). The client would like to have a separate set of pages for each venue, as each venue will have slightly different offerings.

I'd like the set up to work thus...

...etc. Each location could potentially have multiple languages too (en, de, jp etc).

What would be the best way to do this in EPiServer? Would I have a single EPiServer site and use page containers for each location, placing the folder structure under each container or would I use a multi-site set up?

They'd like to have an editor property where each venue can upload their own logo to use in the header of their venue's pages. If I was to use the page container method (one page container per venue), how would I set up an editor property that applies to all pages under that container? I.e. an editor property for just the parent container page that affetcs all the child pages.

I hope you can help :-)

Many thanks,

Oct 13, 2013 17:34

A multisite approach would need a license for each site and hence cost you more money.

For the logo property you could use a dynamic property which should be set on each venue container.

Oct 13, 2013 23:03

OK, so a page container approach would be better for each venue?

If I were to use a property on the page container, how would I access that property from a page within that container? Sorry if this is an obvious question I'm just not used to how EPiServer works 100% yet :-)

Oct 14, 2013 11:41

You need to access that page in some way. 


If you have many more properties that are venue specific and should be set at the container level I would create a dynamic pagereference property on the container page and point it to the container page it self.

Then in your usercontrol and templatebase classes you could create a helper property that reads that dynamic property and returns it in the correct type.

Pseudo code:


YourContainerPageType HelperProperty



  // Read value from dynamic property

  // If set get the page and cast it to the correct type and return it.



Then in your views/templates you can easyli access any settings with ie HelperProperty.LogImage



Oct 15, 2013 8:45
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