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AdditionalViewData and EditAttributes rendering in Edit-mode


I have problems rendering a property in Edit mode when the property ha changed.

The view Image.cshml renders the image with the CssClass. This is a simplified example.


@model EPiServer.Url
<img src="@Model.Path" class="@ViewData["CssClass"]">


In the page view

<figure @Html.EditAttributes(x => x.CurrentPage.Image)>
    @Html.DisplayFor(x => x.CurrentPage.Image, new { CssClass = "img-responsive"})
    @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@Model.CurrentPage.Image.GetFileSummary().Description)) {

When editing the Image property (which is of type Url) the new image is viewed, but the all additional view data dissapear.

If I change the code to this the view data don't dissapear, but the caption gets outside the property which is not what I want. Does anyone has a solution to this problem which come up many times when developing with EPiServer 7.

    @Html.PropertyFor(x => x.CurrentPage.Image, new { CssClass = "img-responsive"})
    @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@Model.CurrentPage.Image.GetFileSummary().Description)) {
Nov 13, 2013 14:48
Nov 21, 2013 10:32
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