We have an issue with the icelandic language when creating a new page in the CMS Admin. Today it picks the letter „o“ which I came to find out when creating the page i.e. Verð (e. price) is Vero in the URL. Can rule be set so that page name with letter „ð“ defaults to „d“? Or maybe it is a framework issue and should be fixed in the next version?
This is how it should work: http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/5981/iopf.png
Hi community,
We have an issue with the icelandic language when creating a new page in the CMS Admin. Today it picks the letter „o“ which I came to find out when creating the page i.e. Verð (e. price) is Vero in the URL. Can rule be set so that page name with letter „ð“ defaults to „d“? Or maybe it is a framework issue and should be fixed in the next version?
This is how it should work: http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/5981/iopf.png