Load values in one dropdown property based on another


I have a requirement to load one property of type dropdown whose values will be based on a selection of anohter dropdown property's value on the same page and I want this to happen asynchronously. What's the easiest and best way to achieve this?

Nov 07, 2013 1:25

Is this a custom property in edit mode, xforms or another type of form in your view? There should be some example code if you search for cascading dropdown.


Nov 07, 2013 9:49

Yes, it is a custom property and I started this with an approach of consolidating both the dropdowns in one custom property using dijit/dojo but I am stuck coz I am not sure how to read values from the selectionfactory and bind them to the first dropdown in the dijit/dojo widget. I can't find any examples on how to achieve this. Any pointers would be helpful.

Nov 07, 2013 23:06

Have you seen Linus' blog post on it? http://world.episerver.com/Blogs/Linus-Ekstrom/Dates/2012/9/EPiServer-7-Configuring-editors-for-your-properties/.


Nov 11, 2013 22:18

Yes, I did but that's a simple dropdown list, In my case I need to load two dropdowns where the second one loads async based on the first one's value. Do you know how that can be achieved using dijit/dojo?


Edited, Nov 13, 2013 5:58

Hi! Did you find a solution for this?

Feb 17, 2014 10:18
Feb 17, 2014 10:39
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