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Calling all developers! We invite you to provide your input on Feature Experimentation by completing this brief survey.
Did it work out for you, if yes, please let me know how did you resolve this issue?
Many thanks,
I am no expert and this is suggestions based on my experience on what have worked and not worked
First you need to have this in your javascript file for the widget definition
onChange: function (value) { },
It is empty and that is ok, it is just good that it is there
I would also add another function that I call when a value change
_updateValue: function (value) { if (this._started && epi.areEqual(this.value, value)) { return; } this._set("value", value); this.onChange(value); }
And then change the _onIputWidgetChange to look like this:
_onInputWidgetChanged: function (value) { this._updateValue(value); },
There might be more, If you want insperation, create a new Alloy project from the VS extension and look at the StringList.js file in the clientresources\script\editors folder
Hi Henrik,
Thank you for a quick response.
What I need is a custom property in the CMS editor tab for any pagetypes,
First of I want to say that I'm both new to Dojo and not very good at javascript.
I'm trying to create a new custom property that will hold some values (x, y and path to an image). I have successfully created a property and a dojo widget so that when i set the value (this._set("value", value)), the data sets to my property and episerver "saves".
The problem
If I create an episerver "LightWeight dialog" I have a hard time to make episerver "save" with this "this._set("value", value)". Here is some example code
This opens up a dialog when I click on an image in the forms mode. And when I press the "done" button in the dialog, the function "onDialogDone" is called.
This is the other widget that the popup displays
The question
How can I make episerver save when I press the button "done" in the lightweight dialog?