InvalidOperationException: The stored procedure 'spEPiServerCommunityDocumentArchiveAddDocumentArchive' doesn't exist.] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.DeriveParameters() +3876 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters(SqlCommand command) +237 EPiServer.Data.Providers.ParameterDiscovery.SqlParameterDiscoverer.DiscoverParameters(DbCommand command) +204 EPiServer.Data.Providers.SqlDatabaseHandler.CreateParametersAndSetValues(DbCommand command, Object[] parameterValues) +376 EPiServer.Data.Providers.SqlDatabaseHandler.CreateCommand(String commandText, CommandType commandType, Object[] parameterValues) +98 EPiServer.Community.DocumentArchive.Data.<>c__DisplayClass16.<AddDocumentArchive>b__15() +406 EPiServer.Data.Providers.<>c__DisplayClass4.<ExecuteTransaction>b__3() +15 EPiServer.Data.Providers.<>c__DisplayClass7`1.<ExecuteTransaction>b__6() +242 EPiServer.Data.Providers.SqlDeadlockRetryPolicy.Execute(Boolean isInTransaction, Func`1 method) +114 EPiServer.Community.DocumentArchive.Data.DocumentArchiveFactory.AddDocumentArchive(DocumentArchive archive) +173 EPiServer.Community.DocumentArchive.DocumentArchiveHandler.AddDocumentArchive(DocumentArchive archive) +85 EPiServer.Community.DocumentArchive.DocumentArchiveModule.CreateRequiredModuleEntries() +317 EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.ModuleNode.Execute(Action a, String key) +64 EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine.InitializeModules() +736 EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine.Initialize(HostType hostType) +202 EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationModule.Initialize(HostType hostType) +323 EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationModule.FrameworkInitialization(HostType hostType) +75 EPiServer.Global..ctor() +103 ASP.global_asax..ctor() +9
<add name="EPiServerDB" connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=dbMyEPiServerSite;Integrated Security=False;User ID=dbUserMyEPiServerSite;Password=pa$$w0rd;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="EPiServerCommon" connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=dbEPiServerCommunity;Integrated Security=False;User ID=dbUserEPiServerCommunity;Password=pa$$w0rd;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Perhaps some settings should be set elsewhere.What do you think?
I looked into this a little bit more and in EPiServer Community 7 the data layer is refactored to be a part of the EPiServer.Data module (containing Dynamic Data Store) that also is shared with EPiServer CMS.
I can see when reflecting that it is using a mechanism to resolve the database connection string that fallbacks to a hard coded connection string "EPiServerDB" if there is no <episerver.dataStore> section.
Using siteDataSettings should make it possible to get it to use your database but I'm not sure how it will affect EPiServer CMS and DDS.
Please, take some time and try it out and share with us what you find!
Thanks for the advice Fredrik,
I have researched episerver.dataStore section and found answer for my question. In EpiServer 7 you can't use separate DB for communuty entities. In this section you can set name of connection string for specific site (for example if you have connection name that is different from EPIServerDB) and this connection will be used in all EpIServer modules (like Community, CMS and so on). In new version of EpIServer access to DB is based on IDatabaseHandler. Community also uses it.
I have a site based EPiServer CMS 7. I want to install Community on my site and store community's entities to separate DB. I use EPiServer Deploy Center for Community and install new SQL database, next update existing site (no database) and finally I update connectionString.config and set path to just isntalled DB to EPiServerCommon connection. But despite of this after rebuilding the site I have an exception that some community's stored procedures aren't found. In previous version of EPiServer (ver. 6r2) I used separate db for community and it worked.
Could you help me please? Perhaps somebody faced with this issue.
Thanks an advance.