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Problem with urlsegment on globalized pages after upgrading to EPiServer 7



I've noticed a problem on our solution after we've upgraded it from EPiServer 6 to EPiServer 7 locally. The solution consists of 4 sites, one of them being globalized. The problem appears on the globalized site which exists in Swedish and English, Swedish being the master language, which is also set in our episerverframework.config file:

    <siteHosts siteId="">
      <add name="" language="sv"/>


Before the upgrade a link to a page called for instance "The Company" in English and "Företaget" in Swedish looked like this, "" and "" which is how we want the links to look like. After the upgrade however the links are "" for the English version and "" for the Swedish version (still showing the correct content though). If I look in edit mode on the URL segment for this page it looks good for both English and Swedish but for some reason it gets displayed in wrong way on the site.

The navigation is built up using a EPiServer MenuList control with PageLink being set to ContentReference.StartPage.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce this behaviour on a Alloy sample site that I've upgraded to EPIServer 7 so I'm afraid it can have something to do with old/incorrect data in our upgraded site but I'm still interested in if anyone else has experienced something similar to this?

Best regards


Mar 06, 2013 16:34


We experienced the same thing during our upgrade. I was able to narrow the problem down to the Friendly URL rewriter. We were able to fix the problem by I wrote some about it in this post

Mar 07, 2013 8:00

Thanks a lot Thor Kristian! That saved me a lot of headache :-) It works fine now, let's just hope that this will be fixed in EPiServer shortly.


Mar 07, 2013 16:17

Patch 2 for EPiServer 7 solved this problem. 

Mar 22, 2013 16:45
This thread is locked and should be used for reference only. Please use the Episerver CMS 7 and earlier versions forum to open new discussions.
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