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7.1 edit mode update, large amount of files in "modulesrepository"


Hello, is there a reason for the several thousand files located in various subfolders of the "modulesrepository" vpp folder that is added after a upgrade to 7.1? There were only a few .nupkg files there prior to the update, and I would assume that it is only the "modules" vpp folder that is actually used by the editmode itself.

Is this some sort of backup for the upgrade that I can safely delete after making said upgrade, or do they fill any deeper meaning?

I ask because we perfer to have a fully working site in source control, and while you only have to add/get those files once, we rather not have them there at all if they are only used as some sort of backup system for the update.

Apr 10, 2013 15:41

This is standard nuget behaviour that we haven't touched. We can see the issue and will look into it if it is possible to alter in upcoming releases.


Apr 10, 2013 18:13
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