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There is a cmdLet Add-EPiServerData (that resides in EPiServerInstall.CMS assembly) that imports episerver packages (.episerverdata files) to a site.
How do you register those snapin?
I have execute this successfully:
c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319> .\InstallUtil.exe "c:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Shared\Install\EPi\EPiServerInstall.Common.1.dll"
But after that I doesn't find how to register it I have try:
Without success. I have found that the dll EPiServerInstall.CMS.dll is here on my computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\Install\Tools
If you have installed EPiServerShared.msi and EPiServerCMS.msi (will be installed if you run Setup.exe bootstrap that comes with download) then the snapins should be available.
If the installation of the snapins have been succesful you should see the snapins in registry under
Correct I see it but if I type
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\Install\Tools> get-help *epi*
I only see 3 commands and I don't see the Add-EPiServerData. Is it normal???
Name Category Synopsis
---- -------- --------
Write-Progress Cmdlet Displays a progress bar within a Windows PowerShell command window.
about_jobs HelpFile Provides information about how Windows PowerShell background jobs run a
about_preference_variables HelpFile Variables that customize the behavior of Windows PowerShell
I am new in the EPiServer world and we need to create our continuous integration server.
I currently use bamboo to do that and everything is fine about the file deployement but I would like to deploy the content via the some EPiServer packages.
How can I deploy those packages via a powershell script or anything? If not possible via powershell how can I do that in code (I will call this code in powershell after)
Benjamin V.