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EPiServer 7 cms part runs in v6 style


I have an EPiServer CMS 6 and recently I have set up EPiServer CMS 7. I have created new EPiServer 7 project and started development. However my cms UI (/EPiServer/CMS/) runs in an only style of interface - in EPiServer 6.

It looks really strange as my co-worder who share the same source files by TFS has absolutely briliant EPiServer 7 interface at the same project. Moreover I have missed translation of some tabs, menu items in Admin mode.

I have tried to erase EPiServer 6 from my computer - nothing helped.

Could you please help me?

Apr 08, 2013 14:43

Sorry, now it is solved.
The old ui style eas fixed by creating new site with almost the same name.
The translation issue was caused by wrong VPP path.


Apr 08, 2013 16:15
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