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Is there a list of episerver command consumers?


Hey All,

I've read a lot about providing commands to episerver via the global command registry, and have some working (albeit they only attach to the global toolbar at the moment).  I was wondering if there's a documented list that describes all the global command consumers epi provides, so I know which options I have to place my command buttons.  I've only seen the 2 documented anywhere or in any tutorial: "epi.cms.globalToolbar" and "epi.cms.publishMenu" - anyone have a link to the rest or know of any others?



Apr 08, 2013 21:53

So after a little more research and crawling the CMS/Shell js libraries in the Modules folder - i noticed the areas being registered in the cmsmodule.js for publishmenu and globaltoolbar.  I'm looking to possibly try and figure out how to add a button to the page tree (like next to the create button) - I saw other types of providers, but i'm unsure of how to use them...  Also when searching through all of the Modules folder through all the js, i only see registers for globaltoolbar, publishmenu, and contentcontextmenu - i don't see anything else being registered in any other location, are these other areas i would expect to see just not publically "pluggable" yet?

Edited, Apr 08, 2013 23:15

Bump for visibility - After lot's of research, i'm guessing there are only 3 areas available so far to plug a command into?  Can anyone confirm?

Apr 10, 2013 22:35

I can add one more: the Tools dropdown menu in the settings panel, where you find advanced functionalities. Its key is: epi.cms.contentdetailsmenu

Apr 12, 2013 15:54
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