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How to implement inline blocks like in the Alloytech demo?


Hi guys,

I'd like to implement the inline blocks like in the Alloytech MVC demo site. I'm just not sure where I should start. Does anyone know of any tutorials I can use as reference?

I'd like to be able to place blocks to the left/right of another block like in the demo site.

Thanks in advance.

May 07, 2013 11:20

I decided to move ahead and use CSS to have the blocks show up as inline blocks, and apparently that solved my problem.

EPiServer generates a DIV for the content area, and wraps all blocks in individual DIVs. By setting the block wrapper element to display: inline-block, it allowed me to have the blocks show up next to each other, and also this also works in Edit mode.

I'm not sure whether this is the recommended approach so it would be nice if someone could give me a heads up.

May 07, 2013 13:23
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