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On-page edit on string property with autocomplete functionality



I have a string property with autocomplete functionality made with the help of this blog post:

Works great. Now I'm trying to get it working with on-page edit.

As a value/id I have a userID. The string that I want to see is the actual name of the user. This is what I got so far:

<span @Html.EditAttributes(m => m.InformationOwner)>
     @{ Html.RenderAction("GetFullname", new { informationOwner = @Model.InformationOwner }); }

This aaaalmost works but there is one flaw. The editor only see the full name AFTER a publish. I want it to trigger directly in the "on-page edit view" with the need of a reload? Is that possible?

May 29, 2013 17:14
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