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Way to set unpublished?


Hey guys,


I have a huge use case need for an editor to "unpublish" a page.  I know there is the StopPublish and expiry stuff that takes care of this in a manor.  But what I really need is a way to set the page to an unpublished state (doesn't matter if this gets saved as a new version of the page and this new version is unpublished while the old versions are still techinically in "published" state).  The expiry and stoppublish don't work for my needs, because I need the page to show up in the tree the same way that a regular new unpublished page does (with the little gray dot).

I wonder if i set the publish date information, what would happen, or is there some other property hidden away that I can modify to reset the state of the page to unpublishd?




Jun 13, 2013 18:25
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