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Error accessing EPiServer Add-Ons


I’m working on a site where internat access is VERY locked down.

I am having the following error when I open the EPiServer Add-ons page, “Error occured when trying to get packages: Unable to connect to the remote server”.

Could anyone tell me the URL it is trying to access? I will need to get this domain allowed by the firewall team?



Jul 04, 2013 12:03


This should help you. (

Jul 04, 2013 12:41
Vote: should be accessible.

You can get similar error if there is no license on the site.

Jul 04, 2013 12:43

Ah, Licence...

What kind of licence do I need?

Is a Partner Dev Licence ok?

Jul 04, 2013 15:22

It should be valid license :)

As soon as your site is working fine with this license, it should be ok.

Jul 04, 2013 15:25

Sorry to be dump.

Can a demo licence or partner dev licence allow access?

Does it have to be a valid server licence?

Jul 04, 2013 15:29

Yes, it should be ok. License should be deployed and it should be valid for this web site.

Jul 04, 2013 16:08

Note to self:

Check the proxy settings are correct in the web.config!


Oh well!!

Jul 08, 2013 11:07

Hi James,

I now have same issue, wonder what is the correct proxy setting in web.config to make it work?

May 28, 2014 11:17

Hello there, I'm having the same issue, although I have added the following to my web.config file:

<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"/>

I still get the error in my episerver log saying it can't get to the location:

Did anyone ever resolve this one in a way that might be useful for me?



Oct 30, 2014 15:52
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