How to translate helptext for custom property


I have used PropertyStringList from AlloyTech template.

Now, bellow this property, it's written "Place items in separate lines".

How can I customize this per property? I have an ApiController for fetching custom translations, so I could just call the controller based on the property name. But, I don't have the reference to the name.


return declare("alloy.editors.StringList", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, _CssStateMixin, _ValueRequiredMixin], {

        templateString: "<div class=\"dijitInline\">\
                            <div data-dojo-attach-point=\"stateNode, tooltipNode\">\
                                <div data-dojo-attach-point=\"textArea\" data-dojo-type=\"dijit.form.Textarea\" style=\"width: 300px\"></div>\
                            <br />\

        baseClass: "epiStringList2",
        helptext: "Place items in separate lines",



What I basically want is just a possibility to call a function with property name. Any clues?

Jul 12, 2013 16:27


What I actually need is to be able to either:

- access $ in a function that I would call in helptext: function() { return giveMeTranslationForPageType(; }, or

- declare var pageTypeName =; above return declare("alloy.editors.StringList", ...., so that I can access it in helptext: function().

I am a backend developer, so pardon my lack of js knowledge :/

Jul 22, 2013 11:25

Got it! Perhaps there is a nicer way (if so, let me know), but the problem is fixed by adding data-dojo-attach-point to a helptext span and setting its innertext in postCreate event.

templateString: "<div class=\"dijitInline\">\
                            <div data-dojo-attach-point=\"stateNode, tooltipNode\">\
                                <div data-dojo-attach-point=\"textArea\" data-dojo-type=\"dijit.form.Textarea\" style=\"width: 300px\"></div>\
                            <br />\
                            <span data-dojo-attach-point=\"helpTextLabel\">${helptext}</span>\

        helptext: "Separera objekt ovan genom radbrytningar",

        postCreate: function () {
            // call base implementation

            var translationUrl = '/api/translation/GetTranslationsOnDemand?id=' +;
            var label = this.helpTextLabel;
            $.getJSON(translationUrl, function (data) {
                if (data != 'undefined') { label.innerHTML = data; }



Jul 24, 2013 10:25
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