Tooltips for fields in on page edit mode


I tried the different property attributes there is for defining properties but none of them (Prompt, name, description) seems to be rendered in on page edit mode. It would be small but nice addition usability of CMS to have for example Description attribute value rendered to "title" attribute of the DIV of editable fields in on page edit mode. When creating new content authors are sometimes a bit confused what is what field as there is just bunch of similar blue boxes on the page.  

Jul 05, 2013 9:38

+1 on that!

Jul 05, 2013 9:46

You could add the following to a CSS file and load it in edit mode.

.Sleek .epi-overlay-item:hover .epi-overlay-item-info {
    display: block;

That will display the name of the property in the overlay. This was cut from the design but the DOM node is still available ;)

To load a custom stylesheet in edit mode add the following to your module.config

  <add name="epi-cms.widgets.base" path="stylesheet.css" resourceType="Style" />


If you are using the EPiServer 7 release (i.e. not EPiServer 7.1 or higher) then the name key will need to be epi.cms.widgets.base instead.

I know it's not exactly what you're after but I figured it might help.


EDIT Forgot to mention that this doesn't work for content areas.

Edited, Jul 05, 2013 11:37
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