TinyMCE missing code button


when editing a xhtmlstring in tinymce i am missing the code button, it used to be there in episerver 6 why is it not there in episerver 7?

i loaded up the alloy mvc project its not there either

i have tried in both chome and IE9

Jul 13, 2013 10:30

oh and my styles are strange it contains a list of items all starting with "epi_dc"

maybe  from the epidynamiccontent plugin?

and none of the normal styles are there

Jul 13, 2013 10:41

First question: By default these buttons are disabled for the editor. You need to enable them in admin mode. Go to Page Types and select your pagetype and then your xhtmlstring property, go to settings for the property. You can then change the default button configuration or create a new for that specific property if you like.


Second question: This i some defualt css values in the editor dropdowns. You need to specify you editor.css to have the ordinary that are specific for you website. This is done in episerver.config. In <site>-section you can specify the css with the uiEditorCssPaths attribute.

More information about Tiny can be found here: http://world.episerver.com/Documentation/Items/Developers-Guide/EPiServer-CMS/7/Editing/Customizing-the-TinyMCE-Editor/#CSS

Jul 13, 2013 11:23
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