Thanks for the report. This is a bug that was introduced when standardizing our email validation across products. We simply missed that it was possible to enter multiple adresses. I have created the following bug for this:
Hi Linus,
There is also a strange thing for xform validation. When I choose data type to email and just click the checkbox for input required field.
When I click the submit button and do not enter anything in textbox, the errormessage 'email is not valid' always appears.
I wonder if I can find a solution to
1. When I input nothing,then required error appears.
2. When I input invalid email. then invalid email error appears.
By the way,I just use xform in my MVC project.
Martin: I fixed the incorrect validation message that appears when using a required email field in MVC but unfortunately there is no easy work around so you will have to live with it until the next release.
Hi Linus
I did the temporary fix as suggested above but I get this message while submitting a form:
An invalid character was found in the mail header
@Sayeed: I do not recognize the error message so I suggest that you debug the failing mail message to see if you can find the invalid character. The perhaps it's easier to find the cause.
You could also see if you can reproduce this on a clear EPiServer 7.5 site since the original bug should be fixed in this version.
Hi Linus
We are using EPiServer 7.1 build 7.0.586.24. It works fine if I have ony one emai address on the xForms "send email to" field. The error only shows up when I try to add multiple email addresses seperated by ";". So this probably has to be an issue with adding multiple email addresses seperated by semicolon.
Hi Sayeed, we know about the problem and thus the reference to the bug earlier in this thread. This bug should be fixed in EPiServer 7.5 so if the temporary fix above does not solve this upgrading should remove the bug.
Hi Sayeed,
I've got exacly the same issue as you in same EPiServer version when using MVC. I fixed that by overriding of ProcessXFormAction. My ProcessXFormAction is defined as below:
protected override bool ProcessXFormAction(System.Web.Mvc.Controller controller, EPiServer.XForms.Util.XFormPostedData post)
var xFormData = new XFormPageHelper().GetXFormData(controller, post);
xFormData.MailTo = post.SelectedSubmit.Receiver;
return XFormActionHelper.DoAction(xFormData, post, true);
catch (Exception exception)
controller.ModelState.AddModelError("ProcessXFormAction", exception.Message);
return false;
The only change according to orginal ProcessXFormAction is line starting with
xFormData.MailTo = post.SelectedSubmit.Receiver;
Hello Linus,
Thanks for your help. We are experiencing the same issue running on EPiServer 7 Patch 3. And EPiServer 7.1.3
Is this item solved in EPiServer 7 Patch 4?
If not:
Thank you so much.
- Wacdany.
I am getting the same issue even though our EPiServer assembiles are at version 8.9.
Has this still not been fixed in 8.9?
Just tested this in a 9.2 installation - still not fixed. Tried both semi-colon and colon (as implied in this bug thread).
However, the new Forms module (the much needed replacement for XForms) should be released within weeks.
Well, multiple email recipients is fixed in the new Episerver.Forms. (tested with
Using a comma-separated list of emails will result in multiple recipients.
(side note: turns out, when using semi-colon, it's treated as a display name/email pair, so it will be generated as:
TO: "arild@myfirstemail.com" <arild@myotheremail.com> and your mail client will probably get confused.
I need to add multiple e-mail addresses in xforms for a button. I add the addresses separated by semi-colons in the field "Send e-mail to this address". When clicking save i get the following error message:
"david.smith@company.com;helen.jones@company.com" is not a valid e-mail address.
In the editors manual for CMS 7 it says: