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Questions on XForm MVC 4 Sending Mail Success or Failed in Episerver 7


Hi ,

I am now using Episerver 7 MVC to create some Xform for sending mail or redirect to other page much more convenient.

But after research in the internet and forums as well, I found a solution to let the form work. But there still a question cannot to solve. If I not choose the brower 'Page shown after the form has been sent', the Success Action could be triggered, but if I choose a page for the brower option, Success action could not be fired and just redirect to the page which I have chosen in Episerver CMS.

I want to know how to deal with it and if I want to use AfterSubmitPostedData event in Episerver 7 MVC, how can I do?

Just the same as in global.asax or just do not have to do it and use other action instead.

Aug 11, 2013 17:37

'Page shown after the form has been sent' is on each Xform Editor and I just want to do manual sending another mail after the Xform mail has been sent and then after I sent manual mail, it redirect to the page which I have setted.

I really need your help.

Aug 11, 2013 17:42

I researched a lot, but cannot find any useful information. Then I reflector the source and according to episerver 7 codes, finally solve the problem.

Aug 14, 2013 5:40

Would be nice if you could share some code fragments for reference. Thanks!

Aug 28, 2013 9:00

In EPiServer.dll the following code exists in the class-file XFormSuccessACtionResult.cs that contributes to the problem.

If the editor have an confirmation page, the Success method isn't invoked.

public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (base.XForm.PageGuidAfterPost != System.Guid.Empty)
string mappedUrl = this.GetMappedUrl(base.XForm);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mappedUrl))
base.InvokeAction(context.Controller as Controller, context.HttpContext.Request.Params.get_Item("successAction"));

May 21, 2015 18:05

There is a work around. After I did some decompiling of the EPiServer.dll I came up with this solution (assuming that you use DoSubmit as PostAction and Success as the SuccessAction)

public virtual ActionResult Success(BasePageData currentPage, XFormPostedData xFormpostedData)
    //you custom code here ...

    //Return to the right page..
    if(xFormpostedData.XForm.PageGuidAfterPost != Guid.Empty)
        return Redirect(UrlResolver.GetUrl(ContentRepository

    //default, return to index.
    return View(currentPage);

public virtual ActionResult DoSubmit(BasePageData currentPage, XFormPostedData xFormpostedData)
    if (ModelState.IsValid && ProcessXFormAction(xFormpostedData))
        return Success(currentPage, xFormpostedData);
    return ServiceLocator.Current

protected bool ProcessXFormAction(XFormPostedData post)
    var xformData = new XFormPageHelper().GetXFormData(this, post);
        return XFormActionHelper.DoAction(xformData, post, true);
    catch (Exception ex)
        this.ModelState.AddModelError("ProcessXFormAction", ex.Message);
        return false;
Jun 09, 2015 10:06

This save my day!

Very useful information

Nov 25, 2015 14:46
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