Hi, Pavel,
In Visual Studio, open Tools -> Library package manager -> Package Manager Console and type in:
Install-Package PowerSlice
(and press enter to install :))
If you don't have it there, you should go to Tools -> Extensions and updates -> Online and search for Nuget Package Manager.
Hi Marija,
You do not understand the question correctly, I only need this class. I downloaded the source code PowerSlice and there it is absent.
Hi, Pavel,
Shouldn't you be using ContentSliceBase? I don't see Joel mentioning ContentQueryBase. When I install the package, I do see ContentSliceBase.
In dotPeek, when I load the dll, I can only see ContentSliceBase, too.
Hi Marija,
I must create a custom gadjet in the asset panel. As I understand it, this class (ContentQueryBase) allows you to plug-ins written by the Dojo, to receive data from the service. You've probably seen this class because Episerver Find installed on your computer, but I can not use it. Maybe you know how to get data from the plugin (as PoserSlise search news).
Hi all,
This class ("ContentQueryBase") is used in PowerSlice (http://joelabrahamsson.com/powerslice/), but I can not figure out how do I plug it in my project. Explain to me please, how do I add it to the project. (I use Episerver 7 patch 2)
Many thanks