Xforms - need labels in email


We are using Xforms for order forms. The forms are quite lengthy. However, we the data is sent in an email it's almost impossible to read. I would like to put the data in sections. Ideally wiith space between the different kinds of data and e.g. with the headers as used in the form. How can this be done? i reckon we need to add more fields when creating the form itself? But how? 

Aug 22, 2013 8:48

Hi Malin,

It might be worth considering hooking into the BeforeSubmitPostedData event, which would allow you access all the data contained within a particular form submission. You could then implement custom formatting and handling (e.g email sending etc) of the data, as required. 

A crude example of hooking into a Form post and accessing the data:

public void XForm_BeforeSubmitPostedData(object sender, SaveFormDataEventArgs e)
        XFormControl control = (XFormControl)sender;

        if (control.FormDefinition.FormName == "Contact Form")
                var account = new AccountEntity
                        Name = control.Data.Data.GetElementsByTagName("Company")[0].InnerText,
                        Industry = control.Data.Data.GetElementsByTagName("Sector")[0].InnerText,
                        NoOfEmployees = int.Parse(control.Data.Data.GetElementsByTagName("NoOfEmployees")[0].InnerText)

                //Do stuff with the AccountEntity etc.


Hope this helps.


Aug 22, 2013 13:27

Cool! Thanks for fast reply. I'll definitely check this.

Aug 22, 2013 16:27
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