Setting/modifying property settings through code models?



We have a scenario where we want to be able to configure property settings programmatically through attributes on our code models.

In pagetypebuilder (2.0) this could be acieved by making an attribute that implemented IUpdatePropertySettings. Now for EPi7, I have not found any equivalent of this, is this possible at all?

Also, is there any way of defining more than one setting (or two really, one for the property, and one for the control) for a property? Say I ant to add some settings to all xhtml strings, I can change the propertycontrol through web.config (or programmatically), by registering a new handler for it, like so, but that would remove all tinymce settings:

<add type="EPiServer.Core.PropertyControlClassFactory, EPiServer" id="PropertyControlFactory">
<register type="EPiServer.SpecializedProperties.PropertyXhtmlString, EPiServer"
mappedType="Foo.Bar.BazXhtmlStringControl, Foo.Bar" />

IS there any way to register myltiple settings for a property, or do i need to modify this by inheriting tinymcesettings and hack the admin custom settings ui using controladapters etc?

Sep 26, 2013 8:46
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