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Strange error message.



We recently get a strange error message on our production. It seems that something went wrong with one of our Initialize modules. We have tried to reproduce the issue in development environment but we did not have any errors like that. Below is the stactrace. Is anyone have any ideas about this:

 Content with id 44394 was not found
 at EPiServer.DataAccess.ContentLoadDB.LoadContentInternal(ContentReference contentLink, Int32 languageBranchId, DbDataReader reader)
 at EPiServer.DataAccess.ContentLoadDB.<>c__DisplayClass1.<Load>b__0()
 at EPiServer.Data.Providers.SqlDatabaseHandler.<>c__DisplayClass1`1.<Execute>b__0()
 at EPiServer.Data.Providers.SqlDeadlockRetryPolicy.Execute[TResult](Boolean isInTransaction, Func`1 method)
 at EPiServer.Core.ContentProvider.<>c__DisplayClassf.<LoadContentFromCacheOrRepository>b__d()
 at EPiServer.Core.OptimisticCache`1.Read(String cacheKey, ReadAndCacheObject`1 readAndCacheObject)
 at EPiServer.Core.ContentProvider.LoadContentFromCacheOrRepository(ContentReference contentreference, ILanguageSelector selector)
 at EPiServer.Core.ContentProvider.Load(ContentReference contentLink, ILanguageSelector selector)
 at EPiServer.DataFactory.Get[T](ContentReference contentLink, ILanguageSelector languageSelector)
 at EPiServer.DataFactory.Get[T](ContentReference contentLink)
 at EPiServer.Web.Routing.Segments.PartialSegment.RouteDataMatch(SegmentContext context)
 at EPiServer.Web.Routing.ContentRoute.MatchSegments(SegmentContext segmentContext)
 at EPiServer.Web.Routing.ContentRoute.RouteSegmentContext(SegmentContext segmentContext)
 at EPiServer.Web.Routing.ContentRoute.GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
 at System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection.GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
 at EPiServer.Web.Routing.RouteCollectionExtensions.HandleRouteData(RouteCollection routes, HttpContextBase context)
 at EPiServer.Global.DefaultDocumentHandling(Object sender, EventArgs e)
 at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
 at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)


Thank you very much!




Sep 09, 2013 6:32

First and foremost, I would check if Content (ID=44394) still exist in db or not:

select * from tblContent
select publishedVersion from tblContentLanguage where fkContentID=44394

select pkid from tblWorkContent where pkID in (%publishedVersion%)

Sep 09, 2013 9:13

Might be that you are caching/storing some pagedata / blocks that is later removed by editor but you haven't cleared the cache and then when you start looking for that content again in code it is missing?

Not much to go on here but like Shahid says above. Check if the page still exists and try to find out what type of page it was and if you are storing references to it somewhere. If you are, make sure to listen to the datafactory events for delete and move and make sure to clear those references then...


Do you have load balancing?


Sep 09, 2013 9:26

Thanks Shahid and Daniel,

We already checked and there is no content with ID = 445394...(The site has about 6000 pages/blocks) We have community intergrated with the site and we assume that CMS understands community ID as content ID. The site performing normally but we keep receiving this kind of error message...

Daniel, we do use load balanced, we have 2 frontend and a backend server




Sep 09, 2013 10:42

I have just similar kind of error.  I can't find lost ID either. Did you find solution for this? 

Page editing works just fine, but public side of page does not work. 

Jan 03, 2014 9:50

My collague actually found solution to this error. Error was not in page properties like I assumed. Error was in dynamic properties.

In dynamic properties there was a link to the content area. In this content area there was link to page which was moved to recycle bin. There was only empty link tag which caused a troubles.

If you got this kind of error message check out your dynamic properties really deeply and carefully!

Jan 07, 2014 11:06
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