You need to register it to activate it, either globally or on your controller, like with any ASP.NET MVC application. More information:
I have activated it and I have been able to show an error page. But is there a possibility to choose an action or controller or an url to a page like this:
[HttpPost] [HandleError(ExceptionType = typeof(HttpAntiForgeryException), View = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UrlResolver>().GetVirtualPath(page.ContentLink))] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Index(EmployeePage currentPage, EmployeeModel.EmployeeFormDataModel employeeFormData)
This of course doesn't work but is it possible to do something like this?
Or do the error page has to be a static page?
I would just create a custom HandleError attribute (that inherits from HandleErrorAttribute) and override the OnException method (and add your redirect logic there).
Is the HandleError attribute used for Controllers and/or Actions applicable for EPiServer MVC applications? Can't figure out how to use it...