Hi Emma,
You can install a VS extension that will allow you to create a blank EPi webforms site - https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/4ad95160-e72f-4355-b53e-0994d2958d3e.
This extension is separate from the NuGet package manager tool.
Also, for EPi 7, unlike for 7.5, you'll need to have deployment center installed on the local machine when creating the site from VS.
Thanks for your reply Richly. I uninstalled the one which I got from Visual Studio "extensions & update" by simply clicking on uninstall.
I then run the Visual studio extension downloaded from the link you gave. As soon I try to create a new project, selecting Episerver - EpiserverWebsite, the next screen is the same error message which I posted earlier. Am I missing anything, any thoughts?
Thanks once again
Hmm, that's strange. I haven't come across this error with the extension. I think the alternative is to just create a blank CMS 7 site from Deployment Center and then work with that setup.
Hi Everyone,
Just want to know if there is an VS extension or easy way to create blank episerver 7 website with webforms? I have only version 7.0 installed on my computer.
I believe the nuget package is only for 7.5. Please correct me if I am wrong.
However, I installed the episerver extension available from extension managernuget to my visual studio 2012. and it gives me error like
"The compositions remain unchanged. The changes were rejected because of the following error. The composition produced multiple composition errors, with 2 root causes. The root causes are provided below:-
1 No exports were found that match the constraint and.........."(It is a long error, i am only pasting here a bit of chunk to give an idea).
If anyone can suggest, what is the best way to create a blank solution.
Many thanks in advance,