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UnifiedSearchQuery only returns 100 results maximum


I have a UnifiedDirectory with 4500+ files in it. When I perform a search using a UnifiedSearchQuery, the UnifiedSearchHitCollection capacity gets reset to 128 and the count returns 100 during the query - for pretty much every query. There's no way the search returns exactly 100 results for most of the criteria. How do I override this behaviour and get all ranked files? There is zero help in the SDK.

		UnifiedSearchHitCollection searchresult = new UnifiedSearchHitCollection();
		searchresult.Capacity = 999;
                query.FreeTextQuery = txtSearchValue;
                searchresult = dir.Search(query);

Thanks in advance.

Jun 02, 2015 15:13


It looks like the page size == 100, is used as a constant and there is no elegant way to change it.

Maybe you could try to use a trick (I didn't test it):

// change the implementation of SearchHandler
        public class ExtendedSearchHandler: SearchHandler
            public override SearchResults GetSearchResults(IQueryExpression queryExpression, string namedIndexingService, Collection<string> namedIndexes,
                                                           int page, int pageSize)
                pageSize = 10000;
                return base.GetSearchResults(queryExpression, namedIndexingService, namedIndexes, page, pageSize);

// use your code below
// replace the instance of searchHandler
SearchHandler.Instance = new ExtendedSearchHandler();

UnifiedSearchHitCollection searchresult = new UnifiedSearchHitCollection();
searchresult.Capacity = 999;
        query.FreeTextQuery = txtSearchValue;
        searchresult = dir.Search(query);
Jun 02, 2015 22:25

Hi, thanks Grzegorz. I will give this a shot.

Jun 03, 2015 11:06

Grzegorz, you are a total legend. Worked first time! Thanks again! :D

Jun 03, 2015 12:33
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