BVN404 Not working on Episerver 7.5 WebForms Site



I have installed BVN.404Handler from nuget package. But the gadget doesn't seem to work. It gives redirect loop error on dashboard page and doesn't load. Also it loads once we navigate to administer and then click on back to redirects button. But then too the redirect urls do not work.

Please Help.

Sep 16, 2015 14:24
After a long try, I was able to find the error. I am writing this so as if any one gets this error then it may help.
 This was because the static files were not loaded and redirect loop error was caused. Hence I configured it to load from the sites static folder. 

<add name="BVNetwork.FileNotFound.RedirectGadget" clientResourcePath="~/assets/">
under "<publicModules>".

Also removed web.config. 

Note :- if you are using language files to display content on 404 page then title is changed to title1 hence the tag name should be "<title1>".

Sep 18, 2015 12:33
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