Change Log Auto Truncate dependencies


Our client is using the Versions widget within EPiServer which shows a changelog of previous versions of any page.

However, they are reporting that some versions are going missing. A most recent example I’ve been provided with is a content change that was made on 31st March (i.e. less than one month ago). This content change is not in the "Versions" widget, is not in the change log, and is not in the tblChangelog table in the CMS database. 

I’m just trying to rule out what could be causing this version to go missing.

According to page 31 of the documentation, the Change Log Auto Truncate tool deletes versions that the CMS considers to be redundant (i.e. they don’t have any “dependencies” and are > 30 days old). This tool is configured on my client’s site to run once a week.

- Could anyone expand on what is meant by “dependencies”? I need to understand exactly under what circumstances it would delete a version. We do not use the Mirroring feature.

- Does it simply delete every version that is more than 30 days old?

- Is there any footprint? E.G. does this tool have a log of versions deleted?

Things I’ve ruled out:

- The UIMaxVersions is set to 20.

    - However I’ve checked for the version in question in the Report tool, in the Change Log admin tool, and the tblChangelog and it’s not there.

disableVersionDeletion is set to false, so I guess an option is if the user is deleting the version themselves, but I’m sure they would be aware of this. Is there any footprint of any deleted versions?

Apr 15, 2016 18:16
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