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Content not found exception.


Hi All

I am getting content not found exception for one particular category attached to the blogs/articles and because of this the page is going into 500 error.

When am checking the logs it showing 15422 content id is missing.


Aug 09, 2016 8:35

Does the content with id 15422 exist?

Probably this content is deleted and there is a reference to this content in a property or something, Episerver will then throw an exception with following message: "Content with id x was not found".

Go through your properties (and dynamic properties if any) and check if there are any reference to this content.

Aug 09, 2016 9:54

Yes i have checked and this ID no more exist in the database. This has been deleted.

I have checked all the dependent tables and didnt find any clue from where it is coming.

BTW, which properties you are talking about.

Aug 09, 2016 10:53

Properties in episerver. The page you are getting 500 error on is probably trying to get the content with id 15422 which is deleted and cannot be found. You need to find out where it tries to get this content from and my tips is that there is an reference somewhere in your properties in episerver which referes to content id 15422 (which does not exist anymore).

Try to debug your code and set exception settings to break on all exceptions to see where it fails (

Aug 09, 2016 11:15

Hi Tim Røgler  

I believe its loading from cache . Do you have any idea how to clear cache.

One more thing this is happening only in PROD site. So debugging is not so easy.


Aug 09, 2016 12:43

You can try to re-publish the page or if you use epi find; re-index the site.

If you have access to create a backup of the prod database, try use it locally and debug to see if you get the same error.

Aug 09, 2016 15:39
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