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RE: I am not getting EPiserver menu in my website

I created website with the help of this link:

I already created CSS also in my website but I am not getting the EPiserver menu.

Need help urgently.
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Naresh Akula

Dec 12, 2008 10:10

Hi Naresh,

 Have you logged in to the site?  The menu will only appear if you're logged in...

If not, try going to the root of your site, adding /util/login.aspx and try it again. 


If you've not addd the html,body CSS height attribute for 100% then you will only get the menu if you right-click over content of the page (e.g. on the text).

Hope this helps,


Dec 14, 2008 19:51


Yes, I login to the site and I add CSS also  but I am not getting Menu.please help me...,

Is any another way to create a website? plz help  me.....


 Need help urgently,

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards,

Naresh Akula 


Dec 19, 2008 8:06

Have you remembered to add "runat=server" to your head and form tags?

And to inherit from TemplatePage?


Dec 19, 2008 9:06

yes,I add "runat=server" to head and form tags and inherit from template page also ....

now also I am not getting Menu 

plz help me,

Thanks in Advance,

Best Regards,

Naresh Akula 

Edited, Dec 20, 2008 6:27
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