Reporting on metadata?


Hi all

Have anyone done any reporting on EPiServer metadata?

If so, do anyone have suggestions for tools for this purpose?


Jan 13, 2009 10:21

No other than the Sql Query Designer... reports in R2 are just a user control and the rest is up to you as far as I know.

Do you have an idea of what kind of report you would like. Maybe we can help you hammer out the reight query.

Jan 13, 2009 11:52

No exact requirement as of now, sorry.

Metadata in this context can be in both database and documents. Database is easy enough. Lots of tools can report on database content. Documents are different, but it should be possible to access document metainformation through search services.

Combining results from documents and database queries would be nice. We could extract to a temporary database storage, join/filter and create report.

Seems like a solution, but I would still like to know if some tools exists that can help with the requirement directly.


Jan 13, 2009 12:36

Oh, documents...

Document meta data is unfortunatly stored as a dictionary (name=value) in a FileItem/FileRevision object.

EPiServe has it's own Object Store where it saves serialized versions of these objects. Actually each file and directory is an object that is stored in tblItem and the ItemData is binary sludge that only can be read be deserializing the object again.

Some of the objects fields are actually stored in index tables (tblIndex*) but not anyone related to files metadata.

If EPiServer's Index Service is running and is configured to Index the documents keywords and metadata is extracted to a Lucene index file stored in the Index folder inside each VPP. Some of the values are stored other just indexed.

Start digging by reverese engineer EPiServer.IndexingService.Indexers.FileItemIndexer.Index and then look at EPiServer.Web.Hosting.Search using UnifiedSearchQuery
and let us know if you have any luck!

Jan 14, 2009 9:53
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