All files in VPP directories deleted !


Today EPiServer stopped delivering images and linked-in files.

I discovered all files and directories in VPP folder was erased. That is, only the 3 first level directories were present.

How could this happen ?

Is there a way to rebuild these directories (not really necessary as we have a file backup, but it would be nice to know) ?

Oct 14, 2009 16:04

The information is storded in three locations:

  1. Web.config - defines you startingpoints
  2. Database - metadata with folder structure, file names, version number, dates, etc And most importantly a GUID.
  3. Filesystem - File content only with filename <GUID>.ext
You need to keep all three inctact to not loose your VPP filesystem.
Oct 18, 2009 22:21
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