IPropertyControl control = PropertyControlClassFactory.Instance.
if (control != null)
control.PropertyData = myPage.Property["YourProperty"];
control.Properties = myPage.Property;
control.RenderType = RenderType.Edit;
myPanel.Controls.Add((Control) control);
It is also possible to put your PropertyDataControl subclass in your aspx/ascx file as a web control and assign the values above.
I have created a SidSettingsArea plugin for user profile information which creates a page for each user and stores the values in the page properties (this is done for ease of searching), so really the plugin is basicaly acting as a mirror to the edit page for the user profile template.
This has been easy enough so far as it has mainly been text boxes, however now we have added a coupld of the more complex property types, and was wondering if there was a way to use the controls from the property edit screen within my admin interface? or will I have to make my own versions?
Many thanks