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EpiServer 5 content changes does not get published



We have staging sites on Network Load Balance. Currently, we do not have live site on NLB. The Epi DB is shared by staging & live site. We publish the content on live site by publishing the changes on Staging Admin since we do not have admin/Edit on live site.

When we publish the content on staging site, the chnages immediately gets there on staging site but not on the live site. After an application pool recycle, the changes gets displayed on the live site. We have read numerous articles on Episerver Cache for version5.

We have enableRemoteEvents to true in staging web.config and production web.config. We have the followign values for Cache in web.config for production website,

enableRemoteEvents = 'true'

remoteCacheListenerShortNames =""

httpCacheExpiration = "00:00:00"

PageCacheSlidingExpiration ="12:00:00"


 <staticFile expirationTime="12:0:0" />

Please suggest what more needs to be done to resolve the issue.





Apr 14, 2009 16:00

Have you seen this?  

Edited, Apr 17, 2009 10:29
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