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Exporting xform data




I'm trying to export the xform data from our live instance of episerver to to development one, to make deploying chages easier.

Is there a way to do this? The Epi interface only lets me import/export the xform definitions.

 I've gone into the database itself and copied all the records in tblitem and tblrelation from one to the other but it hasn't seem to have work. Am I missing a table that I need to copy?

 Has anyone else tried this?



May 08, 2009 15:06

I've also tried this as well, and I did a SQL compare. The SQL data compare only found that tblItem is holding the xformdata in a datatype Image field. I'm not sure if this has something to do with it. I would have thought something about serialization, but not sure because our staging site is an exact database/inetpub copy from our production site.

I would also like to know what we're missing here. I am still working on creating a staging and production environment. I would ideally like to bring over changed content from stage to production using something similar to SQL data compare or if there are better ideas on how to do this, then please advise.



Nov 18, 2009 21:53
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