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Applying custom CSS styles in the Image Editor


How do I get my custom CSS styles to be shown in the "CSS Class" dropdown list in the Image Editor? Anyone?


Feb 22, 2010 9:37
Feb 22, 2010 11:07

If you in your editor.css add css classes like:

img.myImageClass {
   EditMenuName: Whatever;

they will automatically show up in the CSS class dropdown in the image editor.

/Best regards
Henrik Tengelin
EPiServer Developer Team

Edited, Feb 22, 2010 13:12

Thanks, that worked!

Feb 22, 2010 14:47

The style shows in the XHTML editor dropdown but not the Image Editor CSS drop down when setting image properties. Is there something else I need to enable or perhaps use a different declaration format in the CSS file?

Feb 10, 2011 16:09
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