dropdownlists renders without autopostback on start page


Hi, I'm supporting www.tui.ru, running on this version of episerver. There are three web servers in the farm. I can provide they direct addresses in private message.

Occasionally dropdownlists from start page renders without "onchange" event on start page, but on the others it work great. I minded that this behavior starts when traffic increasing to the site (during daytime usually). Is there something in episerver that filter output html from most clicked pages or something else, I've already don't know what else.

May 13, 2010 9:55

ok. the problem is that there were some crawler, that periodically send request to the start page and got in response rendered html with "onchange" event. IIS and EPiServer cached this malfuction page and then send it next ttl of cache to the visitors.

Can someone tell me, how to set up this page behavior, thus for any requests page rendered normally?

May 14, 2010 14:36
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