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Missing resources post migration to version 5



We are migrating our site from CMS version 4.62 to version 5. The migration was successful in development machine. Once i copy the source and set up in testing machine, the site doesnot load any resources (images,styles,javascript etc.).

The virtual path configurations seem to be the same as in development machine and the files do exist in the testing machine. Can you please help me pointing out if I am missing any settings/steps?.

Thanks in advance,



Oct 03, 2011 13:36

Any chance your dev machine is x86 and your server is x64? It will differ in the location of the resource files (Program Files vs Program Files (x86)).

Oct 03, 2011 14:38

Hi Magnus,

Thanks for your reply. Both the machines are x86. Can you please let me know any specific config section (or) HttpModule that I need to look into?

I browse to the admin login screen and in Firebug i see 404 for the css files. (e.g: /App_Themes/Default/Styles/system.css). I have an entry in web.config for App_Themes_Default as copied below, and it is pointing to the correct folder. 

<add name="App_Themes_Default" virtualPath="~/App_Themes/Default/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files\EPiServer\CMS\5.2.375.7\application\App_Themes\Default" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider,EPiServer"/>

Please let me know if I'm  missing any setting(s).

Once again, thanks in advance.




Oct 03, 2011 15:15

Are both machines using the same windows and IIS version? IIS6 and IIS7 use completely separate parts of web.config in some cases (like httpHandlers vs system.web/handlers), so if you dev machine and test machine use different versions there's no guarantee your config is compatible with the test machine. It is always good to install a dummy site on the machine that gives you trouble and then compare your web.config to that of the dummy site to try to find the problem.

Oct 04, 2011 9:10
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