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Multiple Enterprise sites on one SSL domain


Our customer has an Episerver Enterprise License.
The Enterprise instance has various Episerver sites with each their own language, sitesetting and domain name.
Our customer wants to start using SSL for the CMS, they prefer to use a single domain certificate (only the logon itself needs to be encrypted).

For instance:

This would be used for editing content of:

It seems that it's not possible to use a single domain certificate for editing all the Enterprise sites in the same instance (i keep getting logon messages whenever i navigate to another site through the Edit mode).

Wat i have tested, read, and heard from the support desk, this is indeed not possible (in our case).

Has anyone solved this kind of issue, or is a multiple domain certificate the correct way to go?


Mar 25, 2011 18:06



I guess the problem lies in the fact that you have to log in for edit mode and then start navigating through several different sites that are connected to different domains. The cookie that stores the authorisation is not shared between those sites and thus you have to log in (once) for every site.

Jun 09, 2011 23:42

Dear Mirabeau,

Did you ever found a solution to your problem? We have the same problem and currently setting up for every enterprise site a new SSL certificate and IP adres.

(im also from mirabeau, contact me at mheinrichs)

Mar 26, 2012 11:25
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